Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Most Unique Never-to-be-seen again Military Heritage Flight: F-15 Eagle and Glasair III

Watch this very unique and never to be seen again Heritage Flight of an F-15 Eagle and a civilian Glasair III.  Before strict restrictions were put on military Heritage Flights and formations were limited to the individual jet demonstration pilots and a very select few accomplished pilots who own and fly ex-military warbirds, such as P-51's, P-38's, P-40's, and Navy Corsairs to name a few, Chip Beck, a Phoenix, Arizona based aerobatic pilot, was able to sneak a Heritage Formation flight in with the F-15 East Coast Demonstration pilot.  The demonstration took place on Sunday, March 8, 1998 at Phoenix-Mesa, Gateway Airport (then Williams Gateway Airport), while the two were performing at the Cox Communications Air & Motor Spectacular.  Watch and listen to this unique flyby!

Unique Heritage Flight: Glasair III and F-15 Eagle

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